Ashland First Assembly of God // Affirmed, Approved and Accepted.

Reading the Apostle Paul’s writing gives one the sense of profound gratefulness for this marvelous thing we call grace. It’s intertwined into every letter to every church and church leader. It reeks through every rebuke, speaks through every instruction and shines through every exhortation. This great apostle who had turned his back on his upbringing, phariseeism, and quest for rank and superiority was compelled, driven, and consumed by the grace of God. The grace that knocked him off his horse, struck him blind, healed his body, called him into the ministry, the grace that empowered his hands, protected his life, wrought miracles, signs and wonders, the grace that filled his soul, fed his spirit and fueled his joy. What is this wonderful grace you ask? It is the acceptance, approval and affirmation of a God of love through faith in Jesus Christ. This is why we fight from victory and not for it today. This is why our relationship with God is not based on our religious performance. Not a wonder that Paul pressed on kept going and finished his race strong. He wasn’t doing it for God’s approval, acceptance and affirmation. He was doing it because of it.

Christmas Blessings,


Pastor Keith