We are a close-knit and caring family friendly church located just off of Interstate 270 and Rt. 3. We use a blended style of worship and are a growing community of committed believers. Newcomers are always welcome. God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good!
We believe in the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and lifestyle. The Word of God is "spirit and life" and therefore requires of us a spiritual and living response. This response involves a commitment to the person of Jesus Christ and a dedication to follow him as Lord. Our church recognizes but transcends theological differences through sharing a common life in Christ. We hold to and observe the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. We believe in the Gospel for the whole person and the whole world. Such concern for wholeness finds expression in evangelism, in Christian education, and in the missionary task, which includes the community in which our church is located. We welcome into membership all who confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Worship 11:00am
Summer hours - No Sunday School; Worship at 10:00am
Email: ask@faithcov.net
Organization type: Church - Non-Denominational
Phone: (614) 865-0791
Website: www.faithcov.net
Member since: 11/9/2011