Zion Worship Temple is a church where you and your family can come and enjoy the taught and preached word of God together. We endeavor to encourage people to be Kingdom minded and to live as Kingdom people exemplifying the characteristics of Jesus Christ in their everyday life. Our church worships and praises our God in the beauty of His Holiness. We invite you to come out, be blessed and changed by the power of God. We are a church family who loves God and God's people. God Bless!
Sunday School 9:00am
Sunday Worship 10:00am
Tuesday Night Bible Study 7:00pm
Every 3rd Friday Prayer, Praise and Worship Service 7:00pm
Organization type: Church - Non-Denominational
Phone: (757) 578-3476
Website: www.zionworshiptemple.org
Member since: 11/8/2011